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- Occasional crashes when using iOS 14, please update your device to the latest iOS
- PDF rulers sub menu triggered too easily
- Occasional crash while drawing
- Crash on opening menus with an external keyboard
- Issues with iOS 15.0
- PDF not opening when selecting at another location (e.g. Safari)
- Crash after viewing example
- Sometimes intro text overlapping in PDF
- In some cases the PDF rulers are resetting to the top left
- App restarts after iPad shuts down
- Wrong side text overlapping in PDF legend
- PDF legend overlapping the footer text
- Unable to delete / insert columns and rows (in chart size settings)
- Grid lines overlapping cable symbols
- Problem with the app crashing when using undo, or too many undo actions at once
- Unable to edit wrong side description in the ‘Used’ section.
Fix: Edit text in ‘All’ section - Freeform charts are now 2 times bigger, that means your existing charts appear in the top left corner
- Bottom of save as image chart still cut off in some cases! Grrr
- Save image cuts off bottom section when using larger charts
- Custom colours look different on multiple devices
- Contrast Color after conversion ignored when reopening the file